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« The Rwandan Field of Fashion: Transnational Tensions in Developing the National Field of Fashion » – Rencontre avec Fiona Uwamahoro (30/01/2024)

Dans la continuité du thème « Décentrer la mode », la troisième séance de notre séminaire de recherche se tiendra le mardi 30 janvier à 18h par visioconférence.

À cette occasion, Fiona Uwamahoro, doctorante à London College of Fashion (UAL) viendra nous présenter une intervention intitulée « The Rwandan Field of Fashion: Transnational Tensions in Developing the National Field of Fashion ». En voici un résumé :  

« The study provides an in-depth sociological analysis of the Rwandan fashion field. It critically employs Bourdieu’s Field Theory to investigate its emergence, along with the material and symbolic production behind it. The research aims to explore the factors contributing to the emergence and development of the fashion sector in Rwanda. It further investigates key players, fashion producers and creative intermediaries in the national and transnational fields contributing to legitimising Made In Rwanda fashion. Additionally, it analyses how Rwandan fashion designers strategically establish their brands and navigate the complexities of the national and transnational fashion fields. This comprehensive exploration offers valuable insights into the evolving field of fashion in Rwanda, considering the local, regional, and global factors shaping its trajectory. 

The research contributes to the African fashion scholarship and the Sociology of fashion by engaging with the call for a decolonial and inclusive study of fashion. It aligns with Gaugele and Titton’s (2019) argument for a contemporary postcolonial global fashion theory, emphasising the revision of imperialist and colonialist premises, revaluation of fashion history, and the establishment of a new empirical research framework within a global, postcolonial, and transnational context. »

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Sartoria (22 janvier 2024). « The Rwandan Field of Fashion: Transnational Tensions in Developing the National Field of Fashion » – Rencontre avec Fiona Uwamahoro (30/01/2024). Sartoria. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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